School Magazine "The Rise - 4"

Safety and Security

A safe and secure environment is a prerequisite for effective teaching and learning. At SIS Gangapur, it is very imperative that everyone in the campus feels safe & secure. We have created safe environment for children, starting from their homes to their schools and back. We ensure that all the safety measure are in its place whether it is fire Extinguishers or CCTV Cameras. Mock Evacuation drill is conducted at regular intervals so that students, teachers & staff can evacuate the particular premises in 5 minutes. Guards are deputed in the campus to closely monitor the movement of students and also take care of any unforeseen issues. All the employees (faculty members, administrative staff, drivers and para – helpers) have gone through the process of police verification to seal the security and preventive measures school takes during appointments.

After all, Somila International School is our safest home!